"He found the knowledge at the heart of the universe; Returned, and cut his story into stone..." -- The Epic Of Gilgamesh Whom The Telling Changed By Aaron A. Reed Would you like instructions?>n The people have always gathered on moonless nights to hear the telling, since the time of your ancestors' ancestors. The heat of the fire and the glow in the storyteller's eyes make the past present, and the path to the future clear. Tonight the stars are bright, but the minds of your people are troubled. May the words of the telling guide your way. ----------- The walls of your tent glow yellow in the lamplight, your simple possessions casting flickering shadows on the wall. A straw bed; some skins of water, oil, and wine; a small, guttering lamp--it is simple, but it is enough. The symbol of your occupation hangs from the central support of the tent. >look The walls of your tent glow yellow in the lamplight, your simple possessions casting flickering shadows on the wall. A straw bed; some skins of water, oil, and wine; a small, guttering lamp--it is simple, but it is enough. The symbol of your occupation hangs from the central support of the tent. >take symbol Which do you mean, the medicine bag or the copper dagger? >bag The leather strap feels cool and familiar in your hands as you take your medicine bag down from its place. >dagger Your lover's dagger is long as your forearm and lovingly oiled and sharpened. It is a prized possession, a talisman against times of woe. >go outside You step outside into the warm night air. It has been night for many hours, but the air is still warm, and the stars are a million brilliant fires above you. Nearby are the vague outlines of your neighbors' tents, but on this moonless night only the distant glow of the fire pit seems truly alive. In the darkness a few feet away, Sihan and Saiph talk quietly in strained tones. As you approach, your enemy grows silent. Your love turns to you with a look of relief and reaches out a hand. >talk to isi She is not nearby. >talk to love Who do you mean, Sihan or Saiph? >talk to saiph You clasp Sihan's soft hand and turn to Saiph with a frown. "What business have you here?" you ask him coldly. Saiph stares down at you with distaste. "I came to see if Sihan is truly a woman of action and not only of words," he says levelly. "But I see that, like you, she is counted among the cowards and the weaklings. I have no more to say." He turns and strides fiercely into the darkness. >talk to sihan "I care for you more than you know," you say, kissing Sihan on the cheek. Sihan sighs. "His heart clamors for war with these newcomers," your lover says, "and was upset to find I do not share his views. We shall see if your enemy has better luck at the telling." She looks up to the stars, and adds, "It is a good night for it." >give dagger That is not nearby. >newcomers "Have you heard the news?" she asks. "Young Ada found traces of a camp less than an hour's walk from here, and more than half a day from their fires in the valley. Saiph and his friends are already sharpening their spears and preparing for war," she says darkly. >telling "It is almost time," your love says seriously. "I wonder, what story will we hear tonight? The people are buzzing about the newcomers; perhaps the teller's story will be about them." >night Sihan points up at the night sky. "See how bright the stars are," she says, "as if the gods themselves gather round our fire to hear the teller's story." >saiph "Saiph has been asking all the warriors to support his plan to attack the newcomers," your love says. "He is convinced they are planning to murder us all in our beds at any moment. He is so sure of himself; how nice it must be to have such conviction in one's own superiority." >agree You nod your assent. >go telling The time is not right to speak about that. >look It has been night for many hours, but the air is still warm, and the stars are a million brilliant fires above you. Nearby are the vague outlines of your neighbors' tents, but on this moonless night only the distant glow of the fire pit seems truly alive. Your beloved gazes up at the stars. Sihan glances towards the fire pit, ducks inside the tent and emerges a moment later with her copper dagger, sliding it into its familiar place at her waist. "Let us join the gathering and hear the story," your love says lightly, and turns to the fire at the center of the village. >fire You walk to the firepit with Sihan, and friends and neighbors greet you with a nod or quiet word. Always the fire pit is the center of the village, and always the people gather there. Faint smells of tonight's great feast still linger, but the fire now smolders low, only a shadow of its roaring fierceness at sunset. Isi and Nabu stand near the fire, along with a growing crowd. Sihan stands near your side. >isi Isi's long black hair is white now, and her soft skin is loose and wrinkled, but her eyes have grown sharper with each passing year. Your father's sister sees more than most; the truth behind deceit and the sadness behind smiles. Her eyes sparkle as they meet yours, and she gives you a tiny nod. >talk to isi "My brightest light," says Isi as she always does, a smile lighting her face as she pulls you down to kiss your cheek. >show circlet Whom do you want to show the feather circlet to? >isi She admires the workmanship. "Beautiful," she says with a smile. Sihan places a hand on your shoulder. "Go on, my love," she says softly. "Give the circlet of office to the storyteller. It is time." >hug isi You put out a hand and squeeze Isi's shoulder with affection. She puts her hand on yours and pats it gently. >story This is a story about a healer in the village who was in love with a strong warrior woman, Sihan, and how the night of the telling would change them both. >restart Are you sure you want to restart? y