"He found the knowledge at the heart of the universe; Returned, and cut his story into stone..." -- The Epic Of Gilgamesh Whom The Telling Changed By Aaron A. Reed Would you like instructions?>yes I am your eyes and hands within the story. Direct me with commands such as EXAMINE THE BAG, GO OUTSIDE, LISTEN, or FIGHT HIM. Single word shorthand like FIGHT or BAG will often suffice. Some single words will be highlighted to bring them to your attention: type them to shape the story. The header bar suggests things you may try, but there are always more options available than it shows. Time only advances when you give a command or type LISTEN, which it is sometimes wise to do. Other useful commands include REPEAT, to remember what was recently said; STORY to see the choices you have made; INVENTORY to see what you are holding; WAIT to let the time pass; UNDO to take back your last turn; and GREET, MOCK, PRAISE, TALK TO or ASK ABOUT to interact with characters. More information about this story is available by typing ABOUT. Press any key to begin. The people have always gathered on moonless nights to hear the telling, since the time of your ancestors' ancestors. The heat of the fire and the glow in the storyteller's eyes make the past present, and the path to the future clear. Tonight the stars are bright, but the minds of your people are troubled. May the words of the telling guide your way. ----------- The walls of your tent glow yellow in the lamplight, your simple possessions casting flickering shadows on the wall. A straw bed; some skins of water, oil, and wine; a small, guttering lamp--it is simple, but it is enough. The symbol of your occupation hangs from the central support of the tent. >yes There is no one here to agree with. >what next? [Things to try: LOOK | LOOK AT | GO | TALK TO | GREET | ATTACK | TAKE | TOUCH | HEAL | LISTEN | PRAISE | MOCK | STORY | UNDO | or an EMPHASIZED word. For more detailed instructions, type INFO] >MOCK (yourself) You have not the energy for that just now. >TAKE (the feather circlet) You already have that. >HEAL There is no one here who needs your help. >INFO [I am your eyes and hands within the story. Direct me with commands such as EXAMINE THE BAG, GO OUTSIDE, LISTEN, or FIGHT HIM. Single word shorthand like FIGHT or BAG will often suffice. Some single words will be highlighted to bring them to your attention: type them to shape the story. The header bar suggests things you may try, but there are always more options available than it shows. Time only advances when you give a command or type LISTEN, which it is sometimes wise to do. Other useful commands include REPEAT, to remember what was recently said; STORY to see the choices you have made; INVENTORY to see what you are holding; WAIT to let the time pass; UNDO to take back your last turn; and GREET, MOCK, PRAISE, TALK TO or ASK ABOUT to interact with characters. More information about this story is available by typing ABOUT.] > [Nothing entered.] >UNDO Your Tent [Previous turn undone.] >GO OUTSIDE You hesitate for a moment. The telling will begin soon, and it is custom to bring the symbol of your occupation to so important an event. >GET SYMBOL Which do you mean, the medicine bag or the copper dagger? >EITHER [I'm not sure what you are referring to.] >LOOK IN MEDICINE BAG The leather is well-worn, but still strong and firm. Lowered voices speak softly from somewhere outside your tent. >GET MEDICINE BAG The leather strap feels cool and familiar in your hands as you take your medicine bag down from its place. >GO OUTSIDE You step outside into the warm night air. It has been night for many hours, but the air is still warm, and the stars are a million brilliant fires above you. Nearby are the vague outlines of your neighbors' tents, but on this moonless night only the distant glow of the fire pit seems truly alive. In the darkness a few feet away, Sihan and Saiph talk quietly in strained tones. As you approach, your enemy grows silent. Your love turns to you with a look of relief and reaches out a hand. >GRAB HAND [Things to try: LOOK | LOOK AT | GO | TALK TO | GREET | ATTACK | TAKE | TOUCH | HEAL | LISTEN | PRAISE | MOCK | STORY | UNDO | or an EMPHASIZED word. For more detailed instructions, type INFO] >TAKE What do you want to take? >TAKE LOVES HAND [I'm not sure what you are referring to.] >TALK TO Whom do you want to talk to? >SIHAN You clasp Saiph's strong hand and turn to Sihan with a frown. "What business have you here?" you ask her coldly. Sihan tosses her hair and fixes her sharp gaze on you. "I came to see if Saiph is truly a man of action and not only of words," she says levelly. "But I see that, like you, he is counted among the cowards and the weaklings. I have no more to say." She turns and vanishes into the darkness without a sound. >MOCK (Saiph) You would not dream of harming him, not even in jest. Saiph frowns. "Her heart clamors for war with these newcomers," your lover says, "and was upset to find I do not share her views. We shall see if your enemy has better luck at the telling." He looks up to the stars, and adds, "It is a good night for it." >FIGHT NEWCOMERS He is not nearby. >GO TO TELLING You linger for a moment in the starlight, tempted to enjoy more quiet words with your love. >TALK TO SAIPH "I care for you more than you know," you say, kissing Saiph on the cheek. >TAKE LOVES HAND [I'm not sure what you are referring to.] >LOOK AT SAIPH Saiph has been your beloved for a full season now, and the magic of discovery in each other has not yet faded. You are still entranced by the strength in his hands; the familiar sounds of his voice in your ear. It has been a year, now, since you have been together, though it seems like only a day. >TALK TO SAIPH "I care for you more than you know," you say, kissing Saiph on the cheek. >GO TO TELLING Saiph glances towards the fire pit, ducks inside the tent and emerges a moment later with his copper dagger, sliding it into its familiar place at his waist. "Let us join the gathering and hear the story," your love says lightly, and turns to the fire at the center of the village. You walk to the firepit with Saiph, and friends and neighbors greet you with a nod or quiet word. Always the fire pit is the center of the village, and always the people gather there. Faint smells of tonight's great feast still linger, but the fire now smolders low, only a shadow of its roaring fierceness at sunset. Isi and Nabu stand near the fire, along with a growing crowd. Saiph stands near your side. >TALK TO NABU Your uncle Nabu regards you seriously. "Is your Saiph ready to fight for this village, should it be necessary?" he asks. "Perhaps it will not come to fighting," you say. "Who can tell?" he says, "But those who bear arms must be prepared, nonetheless." >FIRE The fire burns low, its flames only children compared to the raging monsters they were at sundown's feast. The embers glow and hiss with the shifting breeze, and smoke stretches long faint trails upwards, like emissaries to the cool stars. >RESTART Are you sure you want to restart? YES